SelPiBioLife Project
Innovative silvicultural treatments to enhance soil biodiversity in artificial black pine stands
SelpiBioLife is a project under the category Biodiversity, for innovative or demonstration projects that consider biodiversity issues within the LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity strand. The main goal of the project is to demonstrate the positive effects of an innovative silvicultural treatment on black pine forests. The specific innovative treatment applied in the stands improves growth rates and stands stability and enhance the level of biodiversity of the various soil components (flora, fungi, bacteria, mesofauna, nematods and microarthropods).
In particular, the project aims to evaluate the effects of selective thinning compared to traditional thinning (selecting trees from below leaving well-spaced, highest-quality trees) and to areas of young forest where silvicultural treatments are not carried out. The goal is to demonstrate that the selective thinning not only improves the growth rate of the trees and the stability of the stands but increases the overall biodiversità. This is due to the fact that the selective thinning modifies the canopy cover and enhances the rate of light, water and temperature at the soil level. The global effect is an increasing of the functionality of the ecosystem and of the soil biodiversity of the stands and consequently an appreciation of the economic, touristic and protective value of the forest.
In the ambit of the project specific field activities will be finalized at demonstrating how the selective thinning is easy from a silvicultural point of view and replicable in different contexts.